
by Pizero

Travel & Local


The #SaiAssai Project is a project that the Municipality of Livorno presented in response to the Notice of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Anti-Drug Policies, and financed by it, for the selection of projects for the promotion, coordination and monitoring on the national territory of prevention, testing and combating alcohol and drug-related road accidents.Together with the project partners, the Prefecture of Livorno, the Local Health Authority North West of Tuscany, Anci Toscana, and with the scientific supervision of the CNR of Pisa - Institute of Clinical Physiology - and the collaboration of Simurg Ricerche - Consulenze e Servizi S.n.c., the Municipality of Livorno developed this project aimed at increasing the effectiveness of information strategies on the consequences of the use of psychoactive substances, with particular reference to the risk of road accidents.The various activities, aimed at young people between 12 and 25 years old, increase the knowledge and skills of the recipients through the use of languages ​​and tools such as social media and APPs.The main action consists in the training of a group of street workers capable of intervening as agents of change and inclusion in the physical and digital meeting places where relationships between young people take place.